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Today's news in a nutshell

July 3rd edition

Frontline Films: #ProtectTheChildren

AFLDS filed an emergency lawsuit against the government seeking to stop the experimental COVID-19 vaccine for children. "We have to stop experimenting on our children." Dr. Angie Farella, Joey Gilbert, Esq. Watch the full video here, and download the infographics to share on social media:


Supreme Court Ends Dems Attempt To See If Trump Lied To Mueller


Right Side Broadcasting Network has been banned from broadcasting live on YouTube for seven days, just hours before a Trump rally that it planned to cover today.

The platform also deleted videos that had several million views, including the coverage of Trump's recent rally in Ohio.


Bragg looks likely to win Manhattan prosecutor race after rival concedes

Alvin Bragg, a former federal prosecutor and civil rights lawyer, looked likely to become the next Manhattan district attorney after his main rival for the Democratic nomination, Tali Farhadian Weinstein, conceded on Friday.

Bragg, 47, would become the first Black person to lead one of the country's most high-profile prosecutor's offices, which made headlines this week with a sweeping indictment against former U.S. President Donald Trump's namesake company and its longtime financial chief, Allen Weisselberg.

Pennsylvania Senate Considering Election Audit

AMERICAN QUAGMIRE: It Appears Several Republican Party Leaders Also Operate within the Secret Cabal of Corruption – What are GOP Voters to Do?



Crestview Towers condo in North Miami Beach being evacuated due to unsafe conditions


Facebook says services restored after outage

Facebook, Instagram and Messenger were down for thousands of users on Saturday, according to outage tracking website

currently Amazon showing issues

Cyber attack against U.S. IT provider forces Swedish chain to close 800 stores

The Swedish Coop grocery store chain closed all its 800 stores on Saturday after a ransomware attack on an American IT provider left it unable to operate its cash registers.

Jan 6th

FBI Arrests Man Who Smashed Journalist’s Equipment Outside Capitol on January 6


Cardinal among 10 indicted by Vatican for financial crimes

A prominent Italian cardinal was among 10 people sent to trial in the Vatican on Saturday charged with financial crimes including embezzlement, money laundering, fraud, extortion and abuse of office.

Cardinal Angelo Becciu, formerly a senior official in the Vatican administration, as well as two top officials at the Vatican's Financial Intelligence Unit will go on trial on July 27 over a multi-million euro scandal involving the Vatican's purchase of a building in one of London's smartest districts.

Twenty people are missing in central Japan after a huge landslide hit Atami city following heavy rainfall.

Video on social media showed a torrent of black mud plummeting down from a mountain top and on through the city towards the sea. Several houses were destroyed or buried.

Two bodies have been found by the coast guard, the local governor said.


Amazon Uses Artificial Intelligence To Terminate Delivery Drivers

Called "Flex," Amazon uses AI to determine how many drivers are needed for deliveries. The app, installed on drivers' smartphones, measures whether they delivered packages on time and followed customers' special requests.

If a driver misses the mark, they are subjected to an automatic firing.

Strong Demand For RVs Expected To Roll Into 2022


Federal Judge Strikes Down Ambiguous Tax Mandate Provision in Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Relief Package

A federal judge issued a permanent injunction on Thursday to block the ambiguous tax mandate in President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package.

U.S. District Judge Douglas R. Cole from the District Court for the Southern District of Ohio ruled that the tax mandate in the America Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)—which seems to tie the relief fund to the states’ authority to reduce tax—exceeds the Congress’s authority under the Spending Clause due to its ambiguity.

The Interim Final Rule (IFR) issued by the Treasury Department intended to clarify the tax mandate “does not cure that constitutional violation,” the judge stated.

“Accordingly, this Court GRANTS Ohio’s Motion for a Permanent Injunction (Doc. 38), and enjoins the [Treasury] Secretary from seeking to enforce the Tax Mandate, 42 U.S.C. § 802(c)(2)(A), against Ohio,” reads the ruling (pdf).

The judge also expressed concerns that the tax mandate has breached the separation-of-powers principles laid down by the framers.

The Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost applauded the ruling and criticized the Biden administration for overreaching.

“The Biden administration reached too far, seized too much, and got its hand slapped,” Yost said. “This is a monumental win for the preservation of the U.S. Constitution—the separation of powers is real, and it exists for a reason.”

The Epoch Times reached out to the White House and the Treasury Department for comments.

A stipulation in the $1.9 trillion sweeping relief package has caused considerable disputes between red states and the Biden administration.

“A State or territory shall not use the funds provided under this section … to either directly or indirectly offset a reduction in the net tax revenue of such State or territory resulting from a change in law, regulation, or administrative interpretation during the covered period that reduces any tax (by providing for a reduction in a rate, a rebate, a deduction, a credit, or otherwise) or delays the imposition of any tax or tax increase,” the bill reads.

Several red states argued that this paragraph may deprive their authorities to reduce tax after receiving the relief.

Ohio became the first state to sue Biden’s administration over his pandemic rescue plan, arguing on March 17 that the provision holds a “gun to the head of states” by blocking them from cutting taxes, and exceeds the authority of Congress.

Thirteen states followed Ohio and launched legal action against the tax mandate provision.

The lawsuit (pdf) by the 13 states says the provision is “one of the most egregious power grabs by the federal government” in the nation’s history. It argues that the provision, by stipulating how states use federal funds with regard to tax cuts, is akin to forcing states to relinquish control of their taxing authority, which is not allowed under the Tenth Amendment.

The lawsuit also accuses the federal government of violating the conditional spending doctrine and the anti-commandeering doctrine.

The tax mandate “disables States from decreasing taxes on their citizens for a period of over three years” and in doing so, “usurps” the ability of the states to reduce their tax burdens, the states alleged in the lawsuit.

Treasury Secretary Jenet Yellon asserted back in March that the American Rescue Plan Act doesn’t prevent states from enacting a broad variety of tax cuts.

“That is, the Act does not ‘deny States the ability to cut taxes in any manner whatsoever.’ It simply provides that funding received under the Act may not be used to offset a reduction in net tax revenue resulting from certain changes in state law,” Yellen wrote in a letter responding to 21 attorneys general. “If States lower certain taxes but do not use funds under the Act to offset those cuts—for example, by replacing the lost revenue through other means—the limitation in the Act is not implicated.

The Treasury Department issued an IFR (pdf) accordingly on May 7, 2021.

Former Police Officer Recounts Witnessing ‘Industrialized’ Organ Harvesting in China

At the sound of gunshots, prisoners fell lifeless to the ground. Their bodies, still warm, were carried to a nearby white van where two white-clad doctors awaited. Behind closed doors, they were cut open, the organs carved out for sale on the transplant market.

The grisly scene, which sounds more like the plot of a horror movie, took place in China more than 20 years ago at the direction of state authorities. It was witnessed by Bob (pseudonym), then a police officer who provided security at the execution sites where death-row prisoners were executed.

“The harvesting of death-row prisoners’ organs was an open secret,” Bob, a former public security officer from central China’s Zhengzhou City who is now based in the United States, told The Epoch Times in an interview.

Bob described being an unwitting participant in an “industrialized” supply chain that converted living humans into products for sale in the organ trade. The players in this macabre industry include the judicial system, police, prisons, doctors, and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials who issue the directive.

The former officer used a pseudonym in sharing his experience to protect his safety. The Epoch Times has verified his police ID and other personal information.

His account from the mid-1990s sheds light on one stage in the disturbing evolution of the CCP’s long-running practice of harvesting organs from non-consenting donors. While Bob witnessed organ extraction from prisoners who were already dead, in the following years the regime would go on to implement—and deploy on a mass scale—a practice far more sinister: harvesting organs from live prisoners of conscience, particularly Falun Gong practitioners.

The Execution

Bob joined the police force in 1996 and worked as a civilian police officer. From time to time, he assisted in maintaining order at a court where executions are confirmed and various execution sites in the city. Later, in 1999, as a result of an online post critical of the authorities, Bob himself was put in detention for more than a year. Inside, he was able to observe the handling of death-row prisoners,, and thus piece together the process from conviction to execution to organ harvesting.

After being sentenced to death, an inmate would be slapped in hand and ankle cuffs, the latter weighing up to 33 pounds to prevent a possible escape. One or two other prisoners would keep them on watch at all times. A blood test—a step to identify possible donors—and a check up on their mental and physical health would also run during this time at a dedicated medical room in the detention center.

“As far as I know, no one told the death-row prisoners their organs would be extracted,” Bob said.

Executions typically occurred ahead of major holidays, he said.

Death-row prisoners would have to attend a public hearing at a higher court, where a judge would confirm or overturn the death sentence assigned by the original court.

Those destined for execution—ranging from a handful to more than a dozen each time—were then marched out of the courthouse to a procession of 20 to 30 vehicles waiting outside, according to Bob. The convoy also transferred local officials assigned to witness the executions. They included the vice director from the local public security bureau, the judge, and other personnel who handled the cases.

All the cars had red cloth or paper taped over the windows and carried a numerical marking.

The prisoners determined to be suitable to have their organs extracted (as a result of the tests) would get injected with a drug said to relieve their pain. Its actual goal, though, was to prevent blood to coagulate after brain death and damage the organs, Bob said.

Those slated for organ harvesting were typically young, healthy men, usually in their 20s and 30s without a history of major illness, according to Bob.

At the execution site, prisoners were arranged in a line to be shot in the back of the head.

The closest convict would stand roughly three to five meters (3.3 to 5.5 yards) away from Bob.

Adherents of the spiritual practice Falun Gong act out a scene of stealing human organs to sell during a demonstration in Taipei on July 20, 2014, against China’s persecution of the group. (Mandy Cheng/AFP via Getty Images)

The White Van

After the shootings, an on-site medical examiner would check the bodies to confirm death. After this, a black plastic bag would be used to cover the prisoners’ heads. The bodies slated for organ extraction were then rushed to a white van waiting nearby. The van’s rear door was usually kept shut, and its window curtains were pulled down to keep out prying eyes.

Bob once caught a glimpse inside when the rear door chanced to be open. He saw an operating bed and two doctors donning a white gown, masks, and gloves. Plastic wrapping covered the ground in case of blood spills. The doctors swiftly closed the doors after realizing someone was watching.

No one but the doctors would know what happened afterward. When the bodies came out, they were in a black cadaver bag and sent directly for cremation.

The dead convicts were lumped together and burned in one kiln. As a result, it was impossible to distinguish which ashes belonged to who, Bob said. “They simply grabbed some from the heap, and gave it to each family.”

The families were none the wiser.

“The great majority of these death row prisoners’ families would have no idea their relative’s organs were extracted when they collected the ashes,” Bob said.

With rare exceptions, those inmates had no chance to see or talk with their relatives during their last moments. Nor could the family see the bodies after their loved ones’ death.

“All the family got was a box of ashes.”

A woman adjusts banners in support of the Falun Gong spiritual movement, a group banned in mainland China, in Tung Chung, an area popular with tourists from the mainland, in Hong Kong on April 25, 2019. (Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty Images)

A Well-Oiled Machine

The process was quick—because fresh organs must be promptly transported to the hospital for surgery—and meticulous planning was key for it to run smoothly, Bob said.

“To them, it’s plenty clear which organ of a certain prisoner [they were going to harvest],” he said. “It was very explicit which [prisoner’s body] would be placed on the van … the people on the van knew exactly which organs to take because everything was arranged beforehand.”

From this, Bob surmised that these practices had been running for a long time before he started the job.

“The workflow, the adeptness they showed, and the closeness in their cooperation could not have happened in just one or two years,” he said. Even the price of the harvested organs was known beforehand, Bob added.

China performed its first human organ transplant in 1960. Since the country did not have an official organ donation system until 2015, most of the organs for transplant came from executed prisoners, the regime has claimed. But from the 2000s, the domestic transplant industry saw a sudden boom and the number of executed prisoners simply couldn’t account for the number of transplants taking place.

Chinese hospitals, seeking to entice organ transplant tourists from abroad, promised organ transplants in a matter of weeks or even days—unheard of in developed countries with established organ transplant systems where wait times could stretch on for years.

The surge in transplants coincided with the onset of the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong, a meditation discipline whose 70 million to 100 million adherents have faced arrests, torture, and jail over the past two decades.

Falun Gong practitioners hold a candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles for those who have died due to the Chinese regime’s persecution, on Oct. 15, 2015. (The Epoch Times)

Over the years, evidence mounted pointing to a sprawling system of live organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience orchestrated by the CCP. In 2019, an independent people’s tribunal concluded that the regime, for years, was killing prisoners “on a significant scale” to supply its transplant market, and was continuing the practice. The main victims, the tribunal found, were imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners.

The regime said it banned the use of executed prisoners’ organs in 2015, claiming it would exclusively source from organs from voluntary donors under the organ donation system set up the same year. But still, official organ donation figures cannot explain the high number of transplants conducted, the tribunal concluded.

The Machine Keeps Running

Bob’s account aligns with those of multiple other eyewitnesses who took part in the opaque organ transplant business in China around the same period.

George Zheng, a former Chinese medical intern, recalled assisting in an organ removal operation in the 1990s alongside two nurses and three military doctors, in a mountainous area near an army prison close to Dalian, a city in northeastern China.

The patient, a young man, was unresponsive but his body was still warm. The doctors had removed two kidneys from the man and then instructed Zheng to extract his eyes.

“At that moment, his eyelids moved and he looked at me,” he told The Epoch Times in 2015. “There was sheer terror in his eyes … My mind went blank and my whole body began to shake.”

The memories of those two eyes haunted Zheng for years.

In 1995, ethnic Uyghur doctor Enver Tohti from the far west Xinjiang region similarly helped two chief surgeons to extract the liver and two kidneys from a live prisoner who had just been shot in the chest.

“There was bleeding. He was still alive. But I didn’t feel guilty. In fact, I didn’t feel anything but like a full-programmed robot doing its task,” he told a July 2017 panel. “I thought I was carrying out my duty to eliminate … the enemy of the state.” The surgeons later told him to remember that “nothing happened.”

A seemingly on-demand organ transplant trade appears to be continuing in recent years in hospitals in Zhengzhou, where Bob once worked, based on investigations by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), a U.S.-based nonprofit.

One nurse from the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University told the WOIPFG in 2019 that their hospital ranked among the country’s top five in terms of kidney transplantation and did around 400 surgeries the previous year.

“We haven’t stopped since the Chinese New Year and haven’t taken any days off,” she told undercover WOIPFG investigators posing as prospective organ transplantees, adding that they had a kidney match that day.

Another doctor from the hospital, during a phone call in 2017, told undercover investigators they did most of the liver transplant surgeries overnight as soon as they arrived.

“If you don’t utilize these times and only do them during the daytime, how can you possibly do so many surgeries? How can you outcompete the other folks?” he said.

The organ transplant abuse Bob witnessed had sickened him and went against his values, which helped him make up his mind to quit less than three years into the job, he said.

Despite having long left the police force, Bob saw no reason that the forced organ transplant industry would stop running.

“Driven by the huge profits, there’s no place for the so-called human rights and humanitarian concerns,” he said.

Bob’s hope is for the Chinese population to free themselves from the Chinese regime’s authoritarian rule and find freedom in democratic countries.

By a twist of fate, the city committee secretary who ordered his detention ended up in jail himself for taking bribes. He later died in prison serving a life sentence.

“No one is safe under the CCP rule,” he said. “What happens to someone else may very well happen to you tomorrow.”

Long Tengyun contributed to this report.

LinkedIn Deletes Account of mRNA Vaccine Pioneer Who Questioned Risks of COVID-19 Shots

Dr. Robert Malone, who identifies himself as the inventor of mRNA vaccines, said that LinkedIn recently deleted his account after he made comments about mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and questioned whether they’re appropriate to give to certain groups of people.

“My business pays for linked in premium. I have been deleted,” Malone wrote on Twitter this week. “Purchased a service from linked in to promote my company. This is very different from the YouTube or Twitter terms. This arbitrary and capricious action has damaged our business, and we deserve to be compensated.”

It appears his personal account was removed earlier this week without warning or explanation from LinkedIn, a subsidiary of Microsoft, said his wife, Jill Malone.

“He was given no notice, no warnings,” she told Just the News. “He has a 10-15 year old account—has never even had a warning. 6,000 followers.”

Malone explained on Wednesday that the “historic record of what I have done, stated, figured out (and when) etc. over time is a key part of establishing my credibility and track record as a professional.” But despite this, the account “has been erased completely and arbitrarily without warning or explanation,” he added.

In a subsequent tweet, Malone produced an email from a LinkedIn representative, who said that his account violated the firm’s user agreement because he posted “misleading or inaccurate information” about vaccines and COVID-19.

“[LinkedIn] has provided a list of my thoughtcrimes. An amazing document,” Malone wrote.

The Epoch Times has contacted LinkedIn for comment.

Recently, Malone’s claims to Fox News and other news outlets about giving vaccines to individuals under the age of 18 were flagged by several so-called “fact-checking” sites. Malone told NTD’s “The Nation Speaks” in late June that heart inflammation reports shift the risk-benefit ratio for children.

“Vaccines save lives. These vaccines have saved lives,” Malone said, adding that believes the risks associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna outweigh the benefits among children.

Speaking to Fox News, Malone said, “I can say that the risk-benefit ratio for those 18 and below doesn’t justify vaccines, and there’s a pretty good chance that it doesn’t justify vaccination in these very young adults.”

LinkedIn’s move to ban Malone is the latest attempt by a Big Tech firm to curb what they describe as “misinformation” regarding COVID-19 vaccines. Recently, Twitter locked Harvard Medical School epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff’s account after he expressed a skeptical viewpoint on whether masks actually provide protection.

And early on in the pandemic, separately, social media firms suspended the accounts of individuals who questioned the origin of COVID-19 while positing that it may have emerged from a high-security laboratory in Wuhan, China, in late 2019. However, in recent months, U.S. officials, including members of the 17-agency Intelligence Community, have begun to question the official narrative from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and World Health Organization officials, who have claimed the virus was transmitted from animals to humans at a wet market.

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