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Today's news in a nutshell

July 27th edition


Breaking: Biden DOJ Declares COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Legal



see article at bottom of page in full version

Arizona Senate Issues Two NEW Subpoenas Maricopa County Officials for Routers, Passwords, Splunk Logs, MORE

The AZ Senate Has Served the Maricopa County Supervisors with a New Subpoena 📃

Here is what the state senate has subpoenaed:

1. Info on breach of public voter registration data

2. EV envelopes or images.

3. Pass keys for precinct tabulators

4. Voter registration database

5. Routers or virtual images of routers

6 Network logs.

forwarded from [Arizona Conservatives Take Action]

( AZ Senate Subpoenas Dominion

( A

Senate President Karen Fann Calls On Dominion Voting Systems and Maricopa County Supervisors To Produce Materials or Appear Before Senate on AUGUST 2nd

Arizona Audit To FINISH Paper Recount They Need The ROUTERS


Georgia’s Raffensperger, Sterling and Fuchs All Connected to Firm that Helps Georgia Democrats Run as Republicans


Now Florida – State Representative Sabatini Calls for a Forensic Audit of the Five Largest Counties in the State


Maryland Voter Integrity Group Finds Serious Anomalies in Four Maryland Counties


LAA Voter Integrity Project: 157,299 Illegal Ballots Cast in Wisconsin Presidential Election


Pennsylvania Elections with State Sen. Doug Mastriano


GOP Rep. Mullin Hugged Lt. Byrd After He Shot Trump-Supporter Ashli Babbitt Dead in Cold Blood – Told him “Sir, You Did What You Had to Do” (VIDEO)

Earlier this week Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) told CSPAN he hugged Byrd after he killed Babbitt in cold blood. WTH?

Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) witnessed the murder of Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt. Babbit was shot dead. He explains how he hugged the Capitol Police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt and told him that he “did what he had to.”

Screaming Leftist Mob SHUTS DOWN Presser by Marjorie Greene and Matt Gaetz on Jan. 6 Political Prisoners (VIDEO) …UPDATE: MSNBC Host Cheers the Assault!

Rep. Paul Gosar Blasts ALCU, Amnesty and HRW For Ignoring Inhumane Treatment of January 6th Political Prisoners

Liz Cheney Attacks Trump’s White House in Opening Statement For Jan. 6 Hearing (VIDEO)

NOTE: misleading information for video viewing mostly for the award of best actor in this movie

Police recount going to 'hell and back' in Capitol riot testimony

“Now Would Be a Very Good Time to Study the Large Scale Voter Fraud in Our Presidential Election.” – President Trump on Pelosi’s Sham January 6th Investigation

“We Cannot Let Communist Democrats Destroy Our Great Cities” – President Trump Releases Statement After former Sen. Barbara Boxer Attacked in Oakland

WHO SHOT Ashli Babbitt

ANOTHER HUGE UPDATE: US Capitol Acting Sergeant At Arms Accidentally CONFIRMS that Lieutenant Mike Byrd KILLED Ashli Babbitt (VIDEO)

GOP Rep. Mullin Hugged Lt. Byrd After He Shot Trump-Supporter Ashli Babbitt Dead in Cold Blood – Told him “Sir, You Did What You Had to Do” (VIDEO)


‘If Vaccines Work, Then Why Do Vaccinated People Have to Wear Masks?’ – Peter Doocy Grills Psaki on New Mask Regulations (VIDEO)


CDC Director Rochelle Walensky on Tuesday admitted the science shifts with the political winds.


Majority Of Hospitalized Covid Patients In UK Only Tested Positive After Admission: Leaked NHS Data


California Restaurant Protests Medical Tyranny By Asking Diners to Prove They Are Unvaccinated

“It’s Ridiculous That we Have Gotten to This Point” – Crowd Protests after Illinois Restaurant Owner Ticketed for Flying American Flag


Distributors 'saw everything' as opioid crisis raged, W. Va. county tells court


Texas House Speaker Issues First Arrest Warrant For Fugitive Democrat Who Fled State


SURPRISE! Hunter Biden’s Art Dealer Has Ties To China


Arizona Senate Issues Fresh Subpoena for 2020 Election Audit

Arizona senators on Monday issued a new subpoena to the state’s largest county for materials related to the 2020 election.

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann and Arizona Senate Judiciary Chairman Warren Petersen ordered Maricopa County’s Board of Supervisors to hand over ballot envelopes or ballot envelope images, voter records, and routers or router images.

The Republican-controlled board was also commanded to provide all findings concerning any systems breach that took place within six months of the Nov. 3, 2020, election, as well as all usernames and passwords for machines used in the election.

And the board was also told to appear at the Arizona State Capitol for a hearing on Aug. 2.

Failure to comply may constitute contempt of the legislature, the board was told.

A board spokesman told news outlets that the county “has already provided everything competent auditors would need to confirm the accuracy and security of the 2020 election.”

“The board will review the materials requested with our legal team and respond in the coming days,” he added.

Contractors hired by the GOP-controlled state Senate have been conducting an audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County since April. The county submitted the nearly 2.1 million ballots cast in the election, as well as 385 tabulators and other items.

Those were ordered by subpoenas issued late last year.

But officials also refused to provide some of the subpoenaed items, despite a judge ruling the subpoenas lawful after the county claimed they were overbroad and outside the scope of the Arizona Senate’s authority.

County officials said in May they could not hand over routers or router images because doing so would pose a security risk.

Arizona senators initially threatened to issue a fresh subpoena then. It’s not clear what took so long.

The Arizona Senate in February, before the judge ruled on the matter, voted on a resolution to hold the county in contempt. One Republican, state Sen. Paul Boyer, sided with Democrats, preventing the resolution from passing.

Republicans control the Senate, 16–14.

Boyer recently came out in opposition to the audit, after previously supporting it.

So did another Republican, Sen. Michelle Ugenti-Rita.

“I wanted to review our election processes and see what, if anything, could be improved. Sadly, it’s now become clear that the audit has been botched,” Ugenti-Rita said on Twitter.

She was booed off the stage over the weekend at a conservative event after her shift.

Boyer and Ugenti-Rita have not responded to requests for comment.

Arizona Sen. Wendy Rogers, a Republican who still backs the audit, told The Epoch Times that she thinks the breakaway Republicans will eventually support the review again.

“I believe both of those colleagues of mine and Democrats will see all of the data points for what they will show and will eventually get on to the right side of history,” she said.

First Federal Agency Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine

The Department of Veterans Affairs will require its health care employees to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, becoming the first major federal agency to implement such a mandate.

“We’re mandating vaccines for Title 38 employees because it’s the best way to keep Veterans safe, especially as the Delta variant spreads across the country,” Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough said in a statement.

Title 38 personnel, who include doctors, dentists, and registered nurses, will have eight weeks to get fully vaccinated. Fully vaccinated means getting both Pfizer or Moderna shots, or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson jab.

If employees refuse, they could be fired.

The department pointed to how dozens of medical groups, including the American Hospital Association, have recently voiced support for companies that mandate vaccines for all health care workers. The agency said four employees—all of them unvaccinated—have died from COVID-19 in recent weeks, and that there has recently been an outbreak among both unvaccinated employees and trainees at one of the agency’s training centers.

“Whenever a Veteran or VA employee sets foot in a VA facility, they deserve to know that we have done everything in our power to protect them from COVID-19. With this mandate, we can once again make—and keep—that fundamental promise,” McDonough said.

Asked about the mandate at the White House, President Joe Biden said, “Yes, Veteran Affairs is going to, in fact, require that all doctors working in their facilities are gonna have to be vaccinated.”

Hours earlier, White House press secretary Jen Psaki had made no mention of the mandate during a press briefing held just before the agency’s announcement. In fact, she told reporters that the White House hadn’t determined whether it would be legal for the administration to require federal employees receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

“It hasn’t been determined that it would be illegal, no. But we have not made a determination about that,” Psaki told reporters in Washington.

The Biden administration last month said federal agencies generally shouldn’t force their employees to get a COVID-19 vaccine as a precondition for working in person.

Matthew Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel, a Christian group that represents a variety of clients, told The Epoch Times in a previous interview that the group believes the law doesn’t allow forced vaccinations.

“We don’t believe that any state or government can enforce these COVID shots, especially because they are still under the emergency use authorization,” Staver said.

Drug regulators granted emergency authorization to Pfizer and Moderna shots in December 2020 and Johnson & Johnson’s jab earlier this year. None have yet been granted full approval.

Psaki in her briefing expressed support for businesses and institutions such as the National Football League either mandating vaccinations or imposing harsh restrictions on those who aren’t. Pressure on people to get a vaccine “may save lives,” she added.

“The more people are vaccinated, the more the country will be safe.”

Biden offered a similar message when asked if the administration had to get people who haven’t gotten a jab vaccinated. “We have to,” he said, though he didn’t elaborate further.

Administration officials have repeatedly blamed in recent weeks unvaccinated people for the increase in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations the country is seeing. They often cite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as the source of that claim. The CDC has declined so far to make public the data, which it says comes from voluntary reporting at the state level.

The rise in cases is driving consideration of recommending even the vaccinated wear masks in a range of settings, Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of Biden’s top medical advisers, said over the weekend.

“This is under active consideration,” Fauci said, adding that he has been part of the discussions.

Leading Democrats and Republicans have encouraged Americans to get a vaccine, although Republicans largely oppose forced vaccination while many Democrats support it. Civil rights advocates have raised concerns about forced shots, and some employees who work for companies that mandated vaccinations have sued. The legal battles continue.

After one NFL player questioned whether he would keep playing in the league due to the league’s strict policies, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said on July 24 that he supports Americans’ right to choose.

“No one should be pressured, coerced or subjected to reprisal for refusing a medical treatment, including the COVID vaccine,” he said in a statement.

Thousands Join Cuba Freedom March Near White House

Thousands of people protested in Washington overnight on July 25 and July 26 to show their support for Cuban citizens, calling on the Biden administration to take more action against the island’s communist regime.

Protesters repeatedly chanted “Libertad!” after dark at the gates of the White House, according to a video uploaded by Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R-Fla.) on Twitter at 1:48 a.m. ET on July 26.

“The #CubanAmerican community is at the @WhiteHouse demanding freedom for #Cuba,” she wrote.

The protest comes after thousands took to the streets on July 11 in mass protests across Cuba, calling for greater freedoms and an end to the country’s communist dictatorship. The July 11 protesters raised concerns about ongoing shortages of food and other goods, high prices, and power cuts, amid a deep economic crisis in the country.

Around 12:30 p.m. on July 26, protesters gathered at Lafayette Square, located across the street from the White House, and held a rally, after which they paraded across many blocks to the Cuban embassy.

Multiple videos posted on social media showed the packed crowd of protesters steadily moving toward the Cuban embassy holding banners and signs calling for freedom, as well as waving Cuban and American flags.

Many participants in the protest had driven to Washington from Florida and Texas, reported the Miami Herald. According to the outlet, some Republican lawmakers rallied with the protesters, including Reps. Salazar, Michael McCaul (R-Texas), Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.), Carlos Gimenez (R-Fla.), Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas), Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.), Michael Waltz (R-Fla.), and Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.), as well as Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla).

The people of Cuba have taken to the streets demanding one thing and one thing only: freedom!” Salazar said in a statement. “The Castro regime has cut off the internet on the island to hide how their thugs brutalize and repress the Cuban people. The United States must help the Cuban people get back online so they can organize freely and denounce the repression they’re facing.”

Scott joined House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), and other members of Congress in issuing a letter on July 26 (pdf) seeking a meeting with President Joe Biden on how the White House can work with Congress to support the Cuban people’s fight for freedom.

In the lead-up to the Washington rally, the event’s Instagram account, @Cubanfreedommarch, on July 16 called for Americans to “fight on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Cuba.”

Alian Collazo of Largo, the organizer of the event and a Cuban refugee, told FOX 13 Tampa Bay that what the protesters are rallying about “is not just a Cuba and Cuban American issue.”

“This is not just a south Florida issue. I think that’s important for the world to know,” Collazo told the outlet. “The Cuban regime is a dangerous regime that destabilizes the world and the Western Hemisphere.”

The rally took place on the same day as the 68th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. Organizers wrote that instead of calling it “Día De La Revolución” (Revolution Day), July 26 would be dubbed “Dia Para La Libertad” (Freedom Day).

The July 11 protests across Cuba marked the largest protest in the communist-ruled nation in decades. The Cuban regime has responded to the protests by reportedly arresting more than 500 demonstrators, blocking access to the internet, and sending communist party militants and paramilitary forces to cities and towns. It’s therefore unclear how many further protests have taken place in Cuba since the initial protests.

In a statement on July 26, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that the United States and 20 other countries support the Cuban freedom protesters, while calling on the Cuban regime to release the demonstrators and restore their internet access. The regime had cut internet access as the protests erupted, stopping citizens from uploading footage of the mass protests for the world to see.

“The United States will continue to support the Cuban people’s desire for freedom and to determine their own future. This joint statement demonstrates that the Cuban people are not alone in their aspirations,” Blinken said.

“We are joined by Austria, Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Estonia, Guatemala, Greece, Honduras, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Republic of Korea, and Ukraine.”

On July 22, the Biden administration authorized sanctions against the Cuban Minister of Defense and a Cuban government agency for their role in clamping down on protesters.

“The United States stands with the brave Cubans who have taken to the streets to oppose 62 years of repression under a communist regime,” Biden said in a statement.

The Biden administration also said that it has been “actively collaborating with the private sector to identify creative ways to ensure that the Cuban people have safe and secure access to the free flow of information on the internet.”

Cuba is accused of having adopted China-made technology systems that allow it to control and block internet access.

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