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Today's news in a nutshell

Updated: Jul 30, 2021

July 30th, edition Telegram:


Mike Lindell pulls MyPillow ads from Fox News


“I Would Not Blow These Off!” Sen. Wendy Rogers Warns As AZ Senate Issues 2 New Subpoenas Over Forensic Audit


Pennsylvania County Declines Election Audit Without New Voting Machines

see bottom of article under EPOCH Times

Pennsylvania Counties Tioga and Philadelphia Decline Participation in Senate Committee’s Forensic Election Audit


NEW - 65,000 Americans have reportedly joined Trump's class action lawsuit against Big Tech so far. The amended complaints were filed on Tuesday, according to AFPI.

Affected Americans can join the lawsuit here:


Rep. Matt Gaetz implies that our own government was behind the J6 false flag.

Political candidate, speaks out on “dangerous methods”, following his Capitol January 6th Arrest

EXCLUSIVE: Second Eye-Witness Steps Forward — CONFIRMS Capitol Hill Police Killed Trump Supporter Rosanne Boyland Then Attacked Those Who Tried to Save Her (VIDEO)


Gov. DeSantis Leads the Way: ‘In Florida There Will Be No Lockdowns, No School Closures, No Restrictions, No Mandates’ (VIDEO)

US surgeon general recommends fully vaccinated people wear masks outdoors to protect the unvaccinated

Nolte: CDC’s Own Math Proves Vax Mandates, Re-Masking Is Anti-Science

Scarborough to the Unvaccinated: ‘You Have the Right to Be an Idiot’

Biden Draws Criticism from Some in Establishment Media over Coronavirus, Mask Backpedaling

Michael Rapaport Rips Fauci over Vaccine Messaging: I Went from Vaccinated ‘Hero to Superspreader?’ ‘Figure This S**t Out’


Joe Manchin Booed by Democrat Senators for Raising Concerns over ‘Infrastructure’ Expense

Robinhood closes at $34.82 in grim stock market debut

Malaysia regulator takes enforcement action against Binance


Airlift begins for Afghans who worked for U.S. during its longest war


U.S. voices concern over harassment of media covering China floods

Grisly murder of diplomat's daughter sparks outrage over femicides in Pakistan

EXCLUSIVE U.S. regulator freezes Chinese company IPOs over risk disclosures

Crypto: Senate Infrastructure Bill Targets Cryptocurrencies



After a confirmed tornado and severe thunderstorms swept through Bucks County and surrounding areas, communities are taking stock of the damage left behind.


Texas power grid sees highest demand in 2021 during Friday heatwave

Alaska rocked by powerful earthquake, no major damage or injury reported


More Lawlessness: DOJ Says IRS Must Turn Over President Donald Trump’s Tax Returns to Democrats in Congress


Karma Comes To Communist Governor Gretchen Whitmer At Private Fundraiser [VIDEO]

Biden wants U.S automakers to pledge 40% electric vehicles by 2030 -sources


After Staffer Gives Biden a Note Saying, “Sir, There’s Something on Your Chin” – Biden Wipes His Chin, Then Eats It (VIDEO)


Pennsylvania County Declines Election Audit Without New Voting Machines

A county in Pennsylvania formally declined on Thursday to let a state Senate panel access its election machines or related information unless the chamber provides money for new machines.

Pennsylvania Sen. Doug Mastriano, a Republican, was told by commissioners in Tioga County that they were worried about the machines being decertified.

Pennsylvania’s top election official earlier this month decertified the voting system used in Fulton County after an outside company accessed it to perform an assessment following the 2020 election.

“We are therefore refusing to cooperate with your effort to audit the machines,” Tioga County solicitor Christopher Gabriel told Mastriano in a letter on behalf of the county commissioners.

Mastriano initiated a forensic probe of the 2020 and 2021 elections in early July by sending requests for materials like ballots, and granting access to machines, to Tioga, York, and Philadelphia counties.

Tioga County earlier indicated their inclination not to cooperate with the probe, but formally stated their position in the new letter.

Tioga County has conveyed to their senator, Sen. Cris Dush, a Republican, that they would cooperate with the probe, but only if senators provide them with funding to replace their machines because of the possible decertification.

They would have to have the new machines in place by August 20th at the latest, according to the new missive.

“Provide us with a means through which we can ensure that our voters will be able to vote in the Fall, and we will facilitate access to our existing machines,” Gabriel wrote.

Mastriano did not respond to an early morning request for comment.

He previously told The Epoch Times that he would convene the committee he chairs, the Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee, and ask them for subpoena power if counties refused to cooperate.

Republicans control the state legislature and thus chair each committee, and have the majority on each panel.

York County officials also recently indicated they would likely not cooperate with Mastriano. They questioned whether his panel has jurisdiction over election matters and told him to consult with the Pennsylvania Senate State Government Committee.

Pennsylvania Sen. Dave Argall, a Republican who chairs the government panel, supports an audit and a spokesman told The Epoch Times in an email that Mastriano’s committee does have jurisdiction over election matters.

Philadelphia County officials have not yet responded to Mastriano’s request, though they criticized Mastriano for repeating “baseless claims” about the 2020 presidential election.

Mastriano noted in his letters that 2.7 million ballots were cast by mail in 2020, compared to 263,000 in 2016. Many of the ballots “were counted at offsite locations with limited outside observation or oversight,” he wrote.

Mastriano also noted that, according to polls, nearly half of Pennsylvania voters doubt the 2020 election results.

While many Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania support an audit, the Tioga County letter came on the same day state Sen. Dan Laughlin, a Republican, in an op-ed called Mastriano’s efforts an “emerging spectacle” that would “only further the paranoid atmospherics, poisoning both parties.”

‘Special Counsel’ Named to Investigate 2020 Election in Wisconsin: House Speaker

The top Republican in the Wisconsin Assembly said Friday that his office is expanding a probe into the 2020 presidential election, adding that more investigations are warranted.

House Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, a Republican, signed contracts with several retired law enforcement officials and a former judge, although two of three quit in recent days, he confirmed in an interview with The Associated Press on Friday.

Retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman was designated by Vos as his “special counsel” to investigate fraud allegations.

“To restore full integrity and trust in elections, we have decided to change direction, giving more authority and independence to Justice Gableman,” he said in a statement on Friday. “I am declaring him Special Counsel and am giving him the authority to hire more full-time investigators who will work at his direction.”

Gableman, Vos said, told him that a more thorough effort was needed with investigators who could work full-time and possibly several hundred thousand dollars for a budget.

“If he thinks he needs one person, great,” Vos told AP of Gableman’s requirements. “If he thinks he needs half a dozen, great.”

The speaker didn’t set a timetable for the completion of the investigation but mentioned to AP that he hoped it would be finished by the fall. Another election review commissioned by the Legislative Audit Bureau, which was ordered by the Wisconsin state Senate, is slated to be finished around the same time.

“If you have two independent investigations where they are going to go the way the evidence leads them, that should be something we should all get around,” Vos said, adding that Gableman will be provided with more resources and the “ability to determine the need for any future adjustments.”

Democrats in Wisconsin, like in other states, have criticized calls for more investigations into the election, and Wisconsin Democratic Party executive director Nellie Sires denigrated Vos’s announcement on Friday.

“The fact will remain that the 2020 election was free, fair, and conclusive,” Sires said in a statement, describing the probe as a “sham investigation.” “It’s time for the Speaker to end the charade and start telling the truth.”

Vos, meanwhile, has been under pressure from Republicans, including former President Donald Trump, to support an audit similar to the one commissioned by Arizona’s Senate in Maricopa County. Last month, the former commander-in-chief said Vos, with his investigation, is trying to obfuscate election fraud in the state rather than try to carry out a legitimate probe.

“Wisconsin Republican leaders Robin Vos, Chris Kapenga, and Devin LeMahieu, are working hard to cover up election corruption, in Wisconsin,” Trump said in a statement in late June, adding that Republicans should not “fall for their lies.”

A full forensic investigation into the election is required, Trump added, and “if they don’t, I have little doubt that they will be primaried and quickly run out of office.”

President Joe Biden was certified as the winner of Wisconsin and its 11 electoral votes by a slim margin over Trump.

The Epoch Times has contacted Vos’s office and the state’s Democrat Party for further comment.

Complaint Filed to Force Michigan Governor to Return Alleged ‘Illegal’ Campaign Contributions

LANSING, Mich.—A conservative, pro-Constitution organization based in western Michigan has asked the state’s Bureau of Elections to investigate what it alleges is the “illegal circumvention” of the Michigan Campaign Finance Act.

The group, called the “Michigan Freedom Fund,” points to Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s own recently filed campaign finance report, which shows that, since January 2021, her reelection committee accepted a total of $3.4 million via 154 donations, all of which exceeded the $7,150 statutory cap on individual donations.

In a statement, Whitmer spokesperson Mark Fisk called Michigan Freedom’s allegations “bogus” and “without merit.”

The Whitmer campaign asserts that it is all perfectly legal under a decades-old determination by former Michigan Secretary of State Richard Austin. In addressing the issue in the mid-1980s, Austin recognized that, as groups seeking to recall a state elected official had no cap on the amount of money their individual contributors could donate, it was “unfair” that an elected official defending against a recall effort should have his donors limited by a cap, so he removed the limits.

It remains unclear why Austin did not instead impose a similar donation cap on pro-recall donors.

Whitmer has been subject to dozens of recall efforts over her use of the emergency powers of the governor to lock the state down during the pandemic, and for not abiding by her own rules. Whitmer aroused the ire of the public by her highly publicized marching in a large political demonstration, visiting a crowded tavern, and flying to Florida during the height of the lockdowns.

Through it all, Whitmer’s approval ratings continue to hover at around 50 percent and she is setting records for non-election year fundraising, taking full advantage of the so-called “Austin loophole.”

Michigan Freedom Fund’s executive director, Victoria Sachs, said in a statement, “Gov. Whitmer is deliberately breaking the law and taking millions of dollars from Hollywood and New York elites because she believes the rules don’t apply to her.”

In a six-page complaint to the Bureau of Elections dated July 28, Michigan Freedom Fund asserts that the Michigan Secretary of State had no authority to amend the clear intent of the Michigan Campaign Finance Act by his decision to do away with the limits, and that any changes must be passed by the legislature.

The complaint also asserts that many of Whitmer’s largest donations that exceeded the $7,150 limit were accepted by the campaign after the last of the recall efforts fizzled out by failing to obtain the required 1,062,647 valid registered voter signatures within the statutory 60-day time frame. The complaint contends that, for these donations, there was no recall campaign in existence to defend against.

This is disputed by the Whitmer campaign, which asserts that several recall efforts are still wending their way through the state election bureaucracy or are being appealed in the courts.

Fisk has also insisted that the unspent campaign donations received throughout the recall process can be legally diverted to pay for regular campaign expenses, a claim that some election law experts and many Republicans disagree with.

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