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Word Transcripts

Amanda Grace - Ark of Grace Ministries

Word starts at: 15:48 timestamp

Praise be to the One true living God by all whom Heaven and earth is made. The heavens declare the Glory of God! The earth is His footstool and He rules in righteousness. And to His Kingdom, there is no end. And the Spirit of the Lord says this day watch THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY on your calendar says the Lord of Hosts this day. The smoldering pressure shall and will cause a MAJOR eruption. This eruption shall be seen in many different ways. I am a God of Grace, I am long-suffering, however, says the Lord the time of grace has thinned, and there are those driven by deep roots of the flesh that are not of Me that have taken the bait the enemy has dangled in front of them says the Lord of Hosts. They have ensnared themselves says the Lord and what befalls them is a net of their own making for pride and haughtiness, and jealousy, and selfishness, and deception and delusion has come upon them, there is a strong delusion says the Lord of Hosts and those with soul wounds, from sickness, from broken families, from loss, have opened the door for a strong delusion to befall them, as they feed on and feast on what is not of Me says the Lord of Hosts. And says the Lord of Hosts, just because one knows scripture, does NOT mean they know me. They must KNOW Me and you shall know them by their fruits says the Lord, and you shall know them by their love for Me by their love for My people as My son Yeshua, Jesus, loved the people, traveled to the people, touched the people in order to bring healing and understanding that the Kingdom of Heaven was and is at hand. And says the Spirit These signs shall follow those who BELIEVE, they shall heal the sick raise the dead, drink what is poisonous and it will not harm them. And says the Spirit it is being announced and recorded this day that those who speak much and do little, those who want the benefits from tilling and cultivating the soil without actually doing the work, those who go with the wind of every doctrine and twist and manipulate the Word for their own gain, now is the time they shall be rung out says the Spirit, and what they have contained, and what they have kept hidden, and what they have deceived many about in order to place themselves in a position of importance, now is the time they shall be rung out says the Spirit!!! Hear ye the inhabitants of the Earth, the Lord God Almighty. Strong, and Mighty His Glory and His Might is touching down on the earth, and some shall receive in fullness the glory and power gifts that cultivate and grow the power within them. And some shall receive the fullness of His MIGHT crushing the head of the serpent, crushing the plans of the wicked, dismantling the plans of the corrupt says the Spirit this day in Jesus name. And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, a SPIN OUT is coming, an out of control derailment that is a sign that many have veered and willfully and defiantly left their paths, and are going the WRONG WAY. They are heading into traffic, they are heading for a collision, they have read the signs all wrong, and have not listened to the correction, they have not listened to the Spirit yelling WRONG WAY. And says the Lord of Hosts, now is the time to humble yourselves before Me and get in alignment with My will, the wills of men and message boards, and drops, and attacks, and rants, and prideful laughs and will come to a very SHORTSTOP, AND SOME WILL NOT REALIZE TO BRAKE IN TIME FOR THEY ARE FILLED WITH PRIDE, THEY ARE FILLED WITH THEIR OWN LIES AND DELUSIONS AND VINDICTIVENESS TO DESTROY OTHERS BECAUSE OF GOLDEN TICKETS, AND PLATFORMS, AND AKALAIDES, AND “SHOWS” THEY DID NOT RECEIVE. They are bound by the same dry brittle cord that now I the Lord shall cut, the tug of war will send a very sudden backlash and whiplash shall come upon those who have sent confusion into the churches and airways, and stations, who have muddied the waters in order to WILLFULLY make it cloudy so they hinder the people’s sight, they hinder the people's reasoning. Come let us reason together says the Lord of Hosts. THE WHO IS GOING TO WONDER HOW THERE WAS SUCH AN ENORMOUS LEAK THAT WILL HAVE COUNTRIES ENRAGED AND FEELING DECEIVED. I THE LORD AM CORNERING YOU, YOU WHO THINK YOU ARE THE WHO’S WHO AND THE VEIL SHALL BE PULLED BACK AND THE ONES WHO SIT BEHIND THE VEIL TOGETHER IN OPERATION SHALL BE EXPOSED. And says the Spirit of the Lord this day the Grand Canyon and the grand monuments you shall see a strike as anything in your nation Oh America that represents freedom shall be attacked at the head and attacked at the foundations, however, says the Lord the candle is being burned at both ends and the middle where the two flames touch and DIE out is fast approaching says the Lord of Hosts. And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, amidst the pressure MY PEOPLE, will RISE, stay walking closely with Me My children and you Shall RISE ABOVE THE FRAY, you shall RISE IN YOUR COMPANIES IN WHICH YOU HAVE BEEN POSITIONED, you shall RISE IN THE MIDST AS I PREPARE A TABLE BEFORE YOU IN THE PRESENCE OF YOUR ENEMIES AND THOSE WHO PERSECUTE YOU. The PECKING order is changing says the Lord as those who have plotted together amidst one event shall turn on each other including in the house, senate, white house, governors, those who are ranting way too much and not doing enough SEEKING says the Lord of Hosts, an about-face shall bring such a boil, such a squabble and some who oppose each other shall be shocking as they vie for the loudest voice, as they vie for a golden platform that is nothing more than vanity says the Lord of Hosts this day. Their “golden tickets” are being suddenly snatched away as they have welcomed the devourer and attempted to devour others, however, says the Lord of Hosts they shall see such in their own lives as they have welcomed a company of spirits, familiar spirits, to their table and are eating and feasting with them, however, says the Lord I the Lord God am at a different table that they have rejected for those demonic forces telling them what they want to hear. I prepare a table says the Lord and they shall now feast on what the Righteous judge so shall order. Royal families around the earth shall feast on gall as they have encouraged others to ingest, inject, and inhale such corrupted particles, as the molecule has been corrupted and darkness and destruction has been inserted into its mainframe, into its nucleus, and now they shall receive the fullness of what they misled others to do you shall see a string of events affect multiple royal families in close proximity says the Lord. And says the Lord of Hosts Oh America they are attempting to bind you with fetters once again, they are attempting to bind you up for good this time. However says the Lord a WRENCH IN THEIR PLANS, shall break the gears and there shall be a sputter and then a HARD STOP as they think they are oppressing the people enough to activate the third part of this wicked plan, however, says the Lord of Hosts their plans shall fall off, they shall leave such a stain that is unable to be SCRUBBED, that it shall send their plans down a steep drop, ONE THAT IS OUT OF CONTROL, DERAIL SAYS THE LORD, WATCH AND SEE. And says the Spirit of the Lord this day I am the Good Shepherd and I care for and love My sheep, however, the destructive ones shall be gated in a corner where they cannot do such damage to the flock anymore. And says the Spirit pride has FILLED SOME OF THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN HIGHEST IN LEADERSHIP AND THEY HAVE BEEN WAIVING OFF ME, they are coming too close to holding hands with the enemy, they refuse to admit the boxes they opened, that let serpents out in the open, to afflict and bite those in this nation. And I the Lord says this day I AM CALLING YOU TO HUMBLE YOURSELVES AND GET BACK INTO ALIGNMENT WITH ME THE LORD YOUR GOD, SURRENDER AND STOP WRESTLING WITH ME ABOUT THINGS YOU DID THAT YOU THOUGHT WERE GOOD UNDER THE COUNSEL OF THOSE WHO NEVER SHOULD OF GONE ALONG AND ENCOURAGED AS AHAB WAS ENCOURAGED IN THE NAME OF PRIDE. I THE LORD AM CALLING YOU TO SURRENDER AND TO CUT THOSE CORRUPT TIES YOU HAVE SO HELD ON TO IN THE NAME OF BUSINESS AND DEALS, FOR I AM CALLING YOU YOUR SHEPHERD IS CALLING YOU AND I HAVE GONE OUT TO LOOK FOR THE ONE WHO HAS LOST THEIR WAY AMIDST A BRAMBLED MESS OF POLITICS, AND FRAUD, AND MEDICAL FRAUD AND LIES, FOR YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME AND NOT YOUR FLESH AND YOUR PRIDE FOR THE ART OF THE DEAL IS NO MATCH FOR THE WISDOM I THE LORD YOUR GOD CAN PROVIDE. YOU HAVE WISE SPOUSES, LISTEN TO THEM, OPEN YOUR EARS AND CLOSE YOUR PRIDE AND I THE LORD WILL DO AN INCREDIBLE WORK IN YOUR LIFE. Know this day you serve a mighty mighty God and I laugh at the wicked, I laugh at their corrupt schemes for I the Lord your God see the end from the beginning and their pleas are just clanging noise as their toxic natures are being exposed. I AM the God of the impossible, I AM the God that is eternal, do not let man box you in, and do not make your decisions by fear for you are taking counsel with fools if you do such. You have not because you ask not, humble yourselves and come unto Me and ask Me, seek Me, I see the way you cannot see, many of you are stumbling upon things that truly do not matter, they are put there by the enemy to keep you from moving forward, however, I the Lord your God am dismantling spikes and bumps that have been placed in your way, do not look at the situations in your flesh, but come higher with Me the Lord your God and I shall give you an eagle-eye view of situations others cannot see. Stop causing reckless fires when your mission was to put them out, I the Lord am smothering those fires and they shall die out. Miraculous provision coming into the year for many of you My children, believe it and receive it, do not let the enemy snatch it from you. An escalation with the cargo ship jumble is coming and it shall hold those in contempt, the states who aid and assist instead of block and stop shall receive the fullness of what is contained. Some cargo companies may even refuse some states, watch for this as there is a wide turn coming, hold on My children for I the Lord am entering with Thunder and Glory, as I have mounted a defense that My children shall witness and they shall tremble at the sheer might of who I AM let God arise and let his enemies be scattered. Thus says the lord of Hosts in the name of Jesus Christ King of Kings and Lord of Lords, amen and amen.


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