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Ark of Ministries

THE WORD on Feb 9th, 2022


11:47 begin

26:09 end


and let's go

let us now I'm trying to make sure I

have nothing else to tell you before we

begin I don't think I do we'll talk a

little bit at the end as well oh is it


how did I write this

Mexico and china have made an agreement

yes this is what I wrote today okay

now we also have some teachings that

will be coming up that are really

pertinent and wonderful for the time

we're going through now so stay tuned

for that we will announce when we're

doing them and uh here we go

praise the lord

praise be to the lord god el shaddai who

rules in righteousness who is

long-suffering whose name is above all

names and to his kingdom there is no end

I think when I write that

and I'm hearing it I'm hearing what

they're saying in heaven about the lord

so it always starts with praise if you

notice praise of god so i believe what's

happening is I'm hearing what they're


they're praising in the heavens uh about

almighty god and the spirit of the lord

says this day

my children there is much percolating

happening on the earth a furious boil

has begun in areas of the world and that

boil has approached the point of


and says the spirit of the lord this day

another country shall arise in the midst

of the tensions in the area of the world

where Russia resides another country

shall arise and this country shall make

a lot of noise shall be very vocal shall

stand up to the ones who want to

overpower overtake and acquire KEYWORD

what is not for sale

says the lord of hosts

and says the spirit of the lord this day

THUS a horn

shall arise in the midst they shall

attempt to exalt their HORNS

says the lord of hosts

watch Spain in the midst says the lord

of hosts

and says the spirit of the lord this day

the green new deal shall turn to a gall

of a deal as an attempt to propitiate

another tentacle of this deal is CUT OFF

is compromised and shall indeed infect

the other areas of such says the lord of

hosts there are those in congress who

are speaking out against the tensions of

Russia and china that blasphemous dragon

and Ukraine however capital says the

lord of hosts they have had secret

meetings by computer with the consulates

and advocates and ministers of these

leaders and have secretly struck a deal

and are doing such and opening up

avenues of great monetary value

and great weaponry and great capital

technology in order to make a deal for

such for they are casting LOTS

for Ukraine the haymans are

casting LOTS for Ukraine

for they have 2212

they have foolishly thought they had the


of others going forth with them that

they have no opposition to such however

capital says the lord says the lord the

book of Esther

just watched says the lord just watch

for you shall and will see divine

reversals and sudden changes in course

that shall begin to lead things in an

unexpected direction

says the lord of hosts

the explosiveness has just begun as a

string of eruptions shall occur both

from within the earth and around the

world says the lord and the spirit of

the lord says this day

o Canada o Canada I the lord am with YOU

the wicked leaders of your

land are not fighting you but fighting

me and my plan capitalized they are

attempting to drain and lynch and

blockade the people coming together in

one accord what can be withheld from

them says the lord of hosts a very

sudden and sharp PLUMMET

within the leadership of Canada shall

echo freedom across the land o Canada

cry out to me march forward put on the

whole armor of god and STAND

for the dawn breaking forth

of your salvation is at hand

and says the lord of hosts

an outbreak

in South America of yet another

engineered DISEASE shall

purposefully set off alarm bells

to send that serpent of fear slithering

through your hemisphere once again

however says the lord I have given you

the power to TRAMPLE upon

serpents and scorpions and against all

the power of the enemy so nothing shall

by any means hurt you there shall

not only be a trample but a stampede

says the lord as leaders are run over by

their own people

as so my people under the leadership of

Esther and Mortdecai so rose up so girded

their loins and readied themselves under

threat of total destruction and I the

lord your god went forth before Esther I

went forth before Mortdecai I went forth

and exposed the plot that was birthed

from an abuse of power and a corrupted

desire to be king and oust who was on

the throne and says the lord of hosts

unholy unions for the kingdom of

darkness are taking place repent says

the spirit repent

for your cup of iniquities shall be

poured out I believe he's talking about

relationships and marriages too

and the spirit of the lord says this day

a major move OUT of

Washington D.C. as those are physically

MOVED and thrusted from this


some may quote retire and some will just

FALL as there is a major

upheaval preparing to take place and

that layer that has been protecting many

shall be cracked and broken up in that

soil tilled and the roots torn up and

removed twisted right out of position

says the lord of hosts this day

and says the spirit of the lord this day

I am with you my children always even

until the end of the age I the lord your

god and breathing a breath of fresh air

into your lives the enemy has released

an attack a potent one of depression and

hopelessness and tormenting thoughts

however I the lord god and your shield

your glory and the lifter of your head

fast and pray and it shall lose its

power and retreat says the lord of hosts

this day

the enemy is attempting to weary many

through this and tire them out to a

point of exhaustion

however I the lord god and the giver of

life and I shall refresh and renew and

blow that depressive fog from your mind

as you continue to PRESS and persevere

on such a path the enemy has attempted

to slow you down but just as Elijah was

given a special cake to refresh him that

caused him to run faster than a chariot

so I the lord at this hour refreshing

you my children I am filling you with my

power strength authority and sharpness

of mind and speech that you shall see

things accelerate and burst forth giving

you strength and endurance to run this

next leg of your race

and says the spirit of the lord this day

I am GOOD SHEPHERD and I shall protect and

honor such who have gone out into the

fields and done the work who have truly

shepherded the sheep not in a way that

alienates the sheep from me the lord

your god but in a way that draws them to

me for I desire a close communion with

my children and I desire to see them

work the harvest than going around

causing division and confusion among the

sheep for those sheep shall be isolated

and locked away where they cannot do

such harm to the flock and the shepherds

Fox is about to lose another leg says

the lord of hosts

and a blow to Al-Jazeera as well

says the lord they're both news agencies

a shifting of plates near Russia the ground shall

shake beneath them says the lord of

hosts and an ayatollah is about to BLOW

as prideful men have risen up on

their podiums to demonstrate their

strength however I the lord of hosts

shall send a win to knock them over

and the spirit of the lord says this day

the east coast governors

watch what happens on that coast

now remember I got this word uh

from the seventh and the eighth so this

started two days ago

watch what happens on that coast closely

watch the timing of what they do says

the lord of hosts

the west coast governor is hanging on by

a thread a frayed dirty tarnished thread

that is about to snap and the backlash

shall be great says the lord of hosts

and says the spirit of the lord this day

I AM the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

I change not I neither sleep nor slumber

and I reveal the mysteries of the kingdom to those

with a listening ear for such

open your ears to hear the word of the

lord for in this hour I am revealing

mysteries to my children who are seeking

and pressing and they shall crack codes

they shall see patterns they shall make

connections that others did not see and

this shall refine them and propel them


their purpose for my KINGDOM

says the lord of hosts

the combination will be found says the

lord highly sensitive documents at bases

and forts the combination shall be found

and the findings shall be shared as even

the pentagon will think quote the sky is

falling with what will happen

and then the lord says a comet

a comet just watched as the lord...

that's all he says

in this hour there shall be a squeeze

and a sudden release as I am letting the

air out of Trudeau's balloon

as well says the lord of hosts Europe is

very restless says the lord of hosts and

not only protests but other explosions

in Europe as there shall be a very

serious assassination attempt against

one of its hallmark leaders says the

lord of hosts

now is the time to know your roots be

firmly rooted do not get weary in the

last leg of this race as there will be

much contending in you my children shall

contend for the faith and be victorious

in such as you submit yourselves to the

sharpening that you shall need to be a

weapon and an instrument for my glory as

you shall speak filled with the holy

spirit in this hour

the process shall not be sped up

but shall complete its full work and

intention as their skirts are being

lifted above their heads and their

nakedness exposed such a scandal and

such shame for the leader of china that

he shall become a laughing stock to his

own people a spectacle before the world

as his plans will not only flop but fall

I shall make a show of him says the lord

just watch what happens between china

and Russia as their power shall wait as

well in a series of events I the lord

shall shake these paper doll leaders in

this hour as they have overstepped and

now I the lord shall trample their

plans thus says the lord of hosts the

king of kings in Jesus name amen

and amen

praise the lord praise the lord and

that's where it ends


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